The MaxiTPMS TBE200 is a laser tyre tread depth and brake disc wear analyzer that provides users with fast and accurate wear measurements.
It allows you to check the wear of the brake discs without removing the tyres. It has a 1.65-inch AMOLED touch screen.
TBE200 provides uneven wear analysis and detailed tire replacement and maintenance suggestions. TBE200 dual cameras enable users to document tire wear and damage and scan the Tire Identification Number (TIN). Autel TBE 200 works with Autel ITS600 tester to view and print detailed TPMS reports.
LASER MEASUREMENT Check tire tread depth and brake disc wear with one tool, without removing the wheel during measurement • Laser measurement with an accuracy of 0.1 mm • Full tread measurement • Quick check of tread depth and brake disc.
REAL-TIME TIRE CONDITION ANALYSIS • Real-time measurement data on the touch screen • Analysis of uneven wear • Test details for single tyre tread/brake disc • Detailed replacement and maintenance suggestions (tyre/brake disc replacement, tyre rotation/alignment support).
COMPREHENSIVE TEST REPORT (REQUIRES ITS600) • Comprehensive report on the condition of tyres and brake discs.